OBJECTIVE OF THEBES: The objective of Thebes is to become the most prestigious archaeologist by conducting excavations. 파워볼사이트
- 1 rule book and
- 1 summary sheet
- 1 game board – with 12 places (7 cities in Europe and 5 excavation sites in the area of the Mediterranean) connected by a transportation network
- 4 archaeologist pawns, in the 4 player colours
- 4 time markers, in the 4 player colours
- 1 year marker
- 85 researcher cards, including knowledge cards, various support cards, and 9 congress cards
- 10 exhibition cards, 5 small exhibitions worth 4 victory points and 5 large exhibitions worth 5 victory points.
- 5 summary cards showing the layout of each excavation site
- 4 time wheels, in the 4 player colours: each consists of two disks and two plastic rivets.
- 4 sets of excavation permissions, 1 for each player for each area (1 set = 5 permissions)
- 155 excavation tokens, each excavation area having
- 15 items to find: 13 artefacts, 1 specialized knowledge item for another excavation area and 1 general knowledge item.
- 16 worthless debris tokens.
- 5 cloth bags with coloured tops, one for each excavation area
TYPE OF GAME: timed actions archaeology game
AUDIENCE: teen, adult
Thebes places the players in the shoes of an archaeologist in the beginning of the twentieth century. To become the most prestigious archaeologist, they have to gather knowledge by studying in major European cities before going on excavation missions and – hopefully – discovering valuable artefacts to expose in prestigious exhibitions.
Each player takes:
- The archaeologist’s pawn, the time marker and the time wheel in its own colour.
- places his/her archaeologist pawn on Warschau.
- places his time marker on the start square of the time track (on square 16 if there are 3 players )
- One excavation permission per area, which he places in front of him on their valid side.
Preparing the game board:
- The year marker is placed on the 1902 square for 4 players, otherwise on 1901.
- An artefact token of value 1 is placed on the excavation area of the same colour. The other artefact tokens go into the bag of the same colour, with the other tokens of that colour.
- The 5 cards describing the values of the artefact tokens are placed near the board.
Preparing the cards:
- Set aside the 10 Exhibition cards.
- Place 4 researcher cards face up on the game board in the spaces provided.
- Separate the remaining researcher cards into 3 piles.
- With 2 players, mix the 10 exhibitions in pile n°2.
- With 3 and 4 players, mix the 5 small exhibits in pile n°2, and the 5 large ones in pile n°3.
- Place pile n°1 on pile n°2 to form the draw pile. Set pile n°3 aside.

The turn order is determined by the time track. Each action made by the players costs a certain amount of time, counted in weeks on the time track. Thus the game turn is to the player who is last on the time track. If two players are on the same square, the player with his marker on top is considered to be last (and therefore plays before).
During his turn, a player can perform one of the four available actions:
- buy a researcher card
- replace researcher cards
- perform excavations
- perform an exhibition
Most of the time, the action performed will require moving the player’s pawn to the place where the action is performed. The rules for moving are as follows:
- 1 trip between two adjacent locations counts as 1 week
- Several pawns may occupy the same place, the last pawn to arrive lands on the other(s).
- The Auto card allows you to reduce by one week the duration of a journey of at least 3 weeks.
- The Zeppelin card allows you to make any trip in zero weeks instead of the normal duration, but is for single use only (discard the card after use).
- When a player’s pawn exceeds week 52, that player flips all his search permissions on their valid side.
- When all of the players’ pawns have changed years, move the Year marker to the next Year square.
- In the year 1903, players are not allowed to make any action that would cause them to pass square 1.
1. Buying a researcher card
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