OBJECT OF TACO CAT GOAT CHEESE PIZZA: The object of Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is to win by emptying your hand of all of your cards and be the first to slap when there is a match.
MATERIALS: Deck of 64 cards and two instruction cards
TYPE OF GAME: Action Card Game
AUDIENCE: All ages 8+
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is a fun, easy, and face paced family game that can be played at the most random of times. It allows for easy setup, as the deck of cards and instructions are all the necessities. 토토사이트
As a variant of Slapjack, this game is simple to learn, yet the frenzy gets confusing, and the cards in hand add up, quickly putting you at the bottom of the pile! Ever thought of what these five words have in common? Nothing! Except those are all the words you will yell loudly while playing this frustratingly fun card game!
After shuffling the deck, all cards are distributed evenly, with faces down, to all players. Cards never face up unless they are being placed into the pile. The amount of cards given to each individual varies based off of the number of players participating in the game. The player to the left of the dealer begins the game.
The player to the left of the dealer places a card in the center of the group, facing up, while saying “Taco” when doing so. The player to the left of that player places a card in the center on the top of the previous card, saying “Cat”. This pattern continues through the words given in the name, “Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cheese”, and “Pizza”. If a player breaks the pattern, by saying the wrong word, they must pick up all the cards in the pile.
If the card that has been laid down matches the word that is said, every player must quickly slap their hand on the top of the pile, attempting to be the first one to do so. The last player to slap their hand on the top of the pile must take the entire pile. They must then place it at the bottom of the pile in their hand, keeping it face down.
The player that picks up the pile begins the next round. This continues until someone has placed all of their cards down, and they also are the first to slap the pile when a card matches.
When a special card is played to the pile, all players have to immediately complete the action indicated by the card, and then slap on the top of the pile. The player that is last to slap the top of the pile, or completes the wrong action, they have to pick up all the cards in the pile.
When the gorilla card is played, all players must beat on their chest, and then slap the pile.
When the groundhog card is played, all players must knock on the table with both hands, and then slap the pile.
When the narwhal card is played, all players must slap their hands above their head and form a hornlike figure , and then slap the pile.
The game ends when a player has put all of their cards down, and they are the first one to slap the pile when a match is thrown.
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