OBJECTIVE OF SUN TZU: The objective of Sun Tzu is to win the war by scoring the most points while conquering regions of ancient China.
- 1 game board
- 42 Army pawns (21 of each colour, red and blue)
- 2 green markers (score and turn)
- 40 Action cards (20 of each colour)
- 6 Strategy cards (3 of each colour)
- 10 Score cards
TYPE OF GAME: Stratego Risk blend
AUDIENCE: teen, adult
Each player plays a Chinese general trying to conquer more territory than his opponents. By skilfully dividing their troops into the five regions each turn, players earn victory points. The goal is to reach 9 points at the end of the 3rd or 6th turn, or to have the most points at the end of the 9th turn.
Place the game board in the centre of the table.
Draw 5 Score cards at random, and place each one face up next to the name of a province on the short sides of the board. Put the other Score cards back in the box.
Place one green marker on the first square of the turn track, and the other marker on the middle square of the score track. 슬롯사이트
Then each player:
- takes 18 armies of his colour (his reserve), and the 3 remaining armies are left out.
- choose 3 Strategy cards of his colour, taking care not to reveal it (the other two are put back in the box).
- takes in hand the 6 Action cards of his suit numbered 1 to 6.
- shuffles the other 14 Action cards of his colour to make up his draw pile.
- draw 4 cards from his deck, to have 10 cards in his hand.

The game consists of 3 sets of 3 turns each. Each turn consists of 5 phases:
- Moving the turn marker
- Preparing actions
- Revealing actions and resolving battles
- Scoring
- Drawing
1 – Moving the turn marker
Move the turn marker one square at the start of each turn.
2 – Preparing actions
Each player chooses an Action card and places it face down in front of each of the 5 province names on their side of the board.
3 – Revealing actions and resolving battles
At this crucial stage, the cards are revealed and compared (see battle resolution).
Order of Battle Resolution: On the first turn of the game, reveal the cards starting with Qin and following the order of the locations, up to Wu. For the following turns, the player with the fewest armies on the board at the beginning of Phase 3 decides the order in which the cards are revealed. In the event of a tie, the last player to have had this privilege retains it. If no one has had this privilege yet, players continue to use the order of the first round until someone wins the privilege.
Fighting resolution:
For each province, the cards played by each player are compared. The card with the highest value wins the battle. The difference between the two cards represents the evolution of forces between the players:
- the player who has won the battle must place as many armies in the province as indicated by the battle’s outcome
- if he does not have enough armies in his reserve, the player must bring armies from one or more of his other provinces, starting with neighbouring provinces
When a player places armies after a battle in a province occupied by enemy armies, the armies eliminate each other: remove as many enemy armies as the number of placed armies. The remaining armies from either one or the other player remain in the province and thus grant control of the province to their owner. Armies eliminated after a fight return to the player’s reserve.

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