OBJECTIVE OF DUNGEON LORDS: The objective of Dungeon Lords is to develop the most dangerous dungeon and to prevent seasoned adventurers from exploring it.
- 1 central board
- 4 dungeon boards (1 per player)
- 1 progression board (1 Construction side, 1 Combat side)
- 1 Board of Faraway Lands
- 32 Order cards (8 per player)
- 4 Score cards (1 per player)
- 4 Title cards (1 per player)
- 30 gold tokens
- 30 Food Tokens
- 40 Imps
- 12 Minion figurines (4 per player)
- 4 Evilness marker cubes (1 per player)
- 24 Monster tiles (12 grey-backed, 12 gold-backed)
- 32 Adventurer tiles (16 grey-backed, 16 gold-backed)
- 2 Paladin tiles (1 grey-backed, 1 gold-backed)
- 18 Combat cards (16 grey-backed, 16 gold-backed)
- 40 Dungeon tiles
- 16 Room tiles (8 grey-backed, 8 gold-backed)
- 1 First Player token
- 4 Event tokens
- 8 Event cards
- 40 Wound cubes
- 27 Trap cards
- 4 Troll tokens
- 1 Season marker token
TYPE OF GAME: worker management game
AUDIENCE: teen, adult
As a newly graduated Dungeon Lord, you try to build and manage your own dungeon, building tunnels and rooms that you will fill with traps and monsters. Beware, however, of taxes and other salaries, not to mention the adventurers who arrive at the end of the year to explore your dungeon. And if you attract too much attention, you will be visited by a powerful paladin. 우리카지노
The first player is the nicest player. Set up the game as shown in the pictures.
- Randomly choose 2 Special Event Cards, which remain unknown and place them next to the Faraway Lands board.
- Shuffle your Order Cards and draw 3 at random. Choose 2 as Inaccessible Orders. All players reveal them simultaneously.

A game of Dungeon Lords takes place over two years, each consisting of two periods:
- Construction period, broken down into four seasons, during which players develop their dungeon
- Combat period, during which players defend their dungeon against a group of seasoned Adventurers
The progression board has two sides, one for each period, on which the successive phases to be performed are clearly indicated.
– New Season Phase
Reveal 3 new Monster (or Ghost) Tiles and 2 new Room Tiles, and place them on the central board. Every season, except in autumn:
- Reveal Adventurer Tiles (4 with 4 players, otherwise 3) and arrange them according to their background and glyph, from the least powerful (far left) to the most powerful (far right). If two of them have the same power, replace the last drawn.
- Reveal next season’s Event tile. If it is a Special Event, reveal a Special Event Card.
– Orders Phase
Choose the orders of the fictitious players (with 3 or 4 players only, see detailed rules).
Choose 3 Order Cards each from the available cards in your hand.
Each player reveals his orders and places, in turn, a Minion figure on the corresponding action squares.
– A player who decides to place the Recruit Monster (or Ghost) order first must pay 1 Gold.
– If there is no more free space on an action for a Minion figure, place the Minion on the corresponding Order Card (the action is lost).
The actions are performed in the order shown on the Central board, from left to right, top line then bottom line.
– Taking Food, Improving Reputation, Recruiting Imps, or Buying Traps: pay the cost shown to the left of the arrow (if there is one) to receive what is on the right of the arrow. It is not allowed to pay part of the cost to get part of the winnings.
- A player who has the ability to spy (eye symbol on the Improving Reputation action) looks at one and only one of the Combat Cards (the one he wants, but without changing their order).
- In the Second Year, you receive an additional Trap Card if you perform the Buy Traps action, and then discard any of your Trap Cards.
– Tunnel Digging or Gold Mining: a building permit authorises you to use up to the indicated number of implements, or less if you wish. In square III, you must have an imp as foreman, regardless of the number of imps you employ. Trolls cannot dig or extract. Construction/mining rules:
- New tunnels must be adjacent to an existing Room or tunnel. You cannot fill in all the squares of a 2×2 square. You need an imp for each new tunnel, which you place over the new tunnel.
- Each Imp extracts 1 Gold in an unconquered tunnel, place it on top of it. Two imps cannot extract in the same tunnel. You may extract in a newly constructed tunnel (but not with the same Imp).
– Recruit a Monster (or Ghost): players perform this action in reverse order (from III to I). When you recruit a monster, pay its cost, indicated in the top left corner (on square III you must pay 1 Food in addition).
– Build a Room: Players perform this action in reverse order. On squares II and III, you must pay 1 Gold. On square I you do not pay anything, but you run the risk of not being able to build (because there are only two rooms per season). The built room replaces an unconquered tunnel. Building rules:
- Two rooms cannot be adjacent.
- The First Year rooms can only be built in the areas indicated on the Room tile.
– If an order has not been executed (because you could not act, or if you did not want to), place the Minion on the Order Card to indicate this.
– Production and Order Recovery Phase
If you still have unused Imp Figurines (or Troll Tokens), you can send them to a production room. Place the indicated number of Imps (and/or Troll Tokens) on the room, and pay any additional costs, to achieve the indicated result. Imps produced by a room can be put to work immediately.
In the First Year, a Room can produce once per season, and twice per season in the Second Year (for double the number of Imps).
Finally, take back your two inaccessible Order Cards. Also take back the first Order card played this season, or one of the Order cards with a Minion Figure. Move the other two Order cards to the inaccessible Order squares.
– Event Phase
Events affect all players in turn, starting with the first player.
- Pay Day: for each monster (or ghost), pay its cost, otherwise it goes away and you receive 1 Evilness point.
- Taxes: for each pair of non-empty tiles in your Dungeon (conquered or not) you are taxed one Gold, rounded up. For each Gold that you cannot or do not want to pay, place 1 wound marker (- 3 points at the end of the game) in the Unpaid square, next to the Minions’ desk.
- Special Event: Proceed according to the text on the Special Event Card.
– Adventurers Phase
In this phase, adventurers of the ending season are assigned to players’ dungeons.
In a two-player game, move the fictitious player’s Evilness Marker one square up.
The least powerful adventurer (the one furthest to the left) goes to the lowest player on the Evilness Track. The next adventurer goes to the next player on the Evilness Track, and so on. Tie ties are broken in turn order, the first player being the nicest.
The new adventurers are placed behind those of the previous seasons, except for the warriors who always go to the front of the group.
Put all the Imps back in the Imp’s Lair.
Pass the First Player token to the player on the left, except in autumn.

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