OBJECTIVE OF NETRUNNER: The objective of Netrunner is for both players to score 7 agenda points.


MATERIALS: 23 Tokens, 12 Tag Tokens, 6 Damage Tokens, 51 Advancement Tokens, 2 Tracker Tokens and Cards, 2 Rule Cards, 114 Runner Cards, and 134 Corp Cards

TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Card Game

AUDIENCE: 13 Years of Age and Up


Corporations attempt to push their agendas by advancing them. All the while, runners are preparing to sneak past security and steal the agendas. The game consists of only two players, each with a different role and set of rules. The players fight for their own reasons. Time to determine who is smarter, stronger, and more strategic.


To begin setup, players must choose which side they will play for. One player will take the role of the Runner and the other player will take the role of the Corporation. Each player will place their identity cards in their play area, making their choice know. The players will then take the deck that corresponds to their assignment.

The token bank is then created by placing all of the tokens in their own piles. Both players should be able to reach the piles. Each player will then gather five credits.

The players shuffle their decks, allowing their opponent to shuffle their deck as well. Players then draw five cards from their deck, forming their hand. The players may decide to shuffle the cards and redraw if they see the need. Their decks are placed to the side, face down. The game is ready to begin.


 The runner and the corporation take turns, but each one has a different set of rules that they must follow. The corporation is takes their turn first. Players take actions during their turn by spending clicks. Players are only allowed to spend clicks when it is their turn. The corporation must spend three clicks and the runner must spend for to begin their turns.

Corporation’s Turn

Their turn consists of the three following phases: the draw phase, the action phase, the discard phase. During the draw phase, they draw the top card from R and D. There are no clicks required to complete this phase.

During the action phase, they must spend clicks in order to complete actions and this can only occur during this phase. Drawing one card, gaining a credit, installing something, and playing an operation costs one click. Advancing a card costs one click and two credits. Purging virus counters costs three clicks. Costs of abilities on cards depends on the cards.

They may only take one action at a time, and it must be completely resolved before another action can be completed. When they install a card, they can trash any cards that are already installed in the given server. If the corporation creates a remote server when installing the card, the card is placed face down in a secret location in his area.

Agendas- may only be installed in a remote server. They may then advance and score it. If an agenda is to be installed, all other cards in the server are trashed.

Assets- may only be installed in a remote server. They can install an asset, but they must trash all other cards that exist in the server.

Upgrades- may be installed in any server. There is no limit to the number of upgrades that can be installed.

Ice- can be installed to protect the server. It may not be moved once it is placed. It must be installed in front of the server and an install cost must be paid.

Some cards have abilities that aid in the corporation blocking the runner’s moves. They may spend one click and two credits to trash one of the runner’s resources. After the corporation has completed the action phase, they must discard more than one card from HQ. They cannot exceed maximum hand size.

Runner’s Turn

The runner’s turn consists of only the action phase and the discard phase. The runner must spend four clicks during the action phase, and this is the only time that actions may be taken. For one click a runner may do any of the following: draw a card, gain a credit, install something, play an event, remove a tag, or make a run. Active cards change depending on the card.

Like the corporation, the runner may only complete one action at a time, ensuring that the previous action is resolved before a new one begins. Runners may install resources, which has no limitation, and hardware, which is limited to only one.

The runner may choose to play an event from his hand. This is played to his playing area face up, which resolves the event immediately. The runner may spend one click and run against their opponent, attempting to steal agendas and trash cards.

After the runner has spent their four clicks, they may move to the discard phase. During this phase, the runner must discard enough cards to ensure that he is not exceeding his maximum hand count. 

The runner may take damage when attempting to make a run. They may take meat damage, net damage, or brain damage. If the runner takes more damage than cards in their hand, they flatline, and the corporation wins.

The game continues in this manner, with each player taking their turn and completing their phases until the game comes to an end.샌즈카지노


The game immediately comes to an end when a player has scored 7 agenda points. That player is determined to be the winner. There are two other ways that the game may come to an end. If the runner flatlines, then the corporation wins the game. If the corporation has no cards and must draw a card, the runner wins the game.

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