OBJECT OF BREW: The objective of Brew is to be the player who has the most Victory Points at the end of the game 

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 players

MATERIALS: 1 Village Board, 1 First Player Marker, 4 Character Boards, 16 Forage Dice, 8 Element Dice, 20 Forest Cards, 36 Creature Cards, 32 Potion Cards, 4 Reference Cards, 96 Ingredient Tokens, 38 VP Tokens, and 10 Scorch Tokens

TYPE OF GAME: Strategic Card Game



Brew is a strategic game where players attempt to bring balance back to a broken world. Forests are unbalanced, creatures run rampant, and all seasons exist at once. 

Players attempt to use element dice to control as many seasons as possible in the forests or to gather as many ingredients as possible to make potions. The creation of potions and taming of creatures will give you the energy you need to tame the land! Best of luck in this strategic fantasy game.


To setup the game, place the Village Board in the center of the group, with the Day side facing up. Go through the Forest Cards, removing any cards that do not match your player count. This number may be found on the bottom center of each card. Shuffle the remaining cards and place them face down near the gameboard. 

Draw Forest Cards and place them in a faceup row. If there are two players, draw three cards. If there are three players, draw four cards. If there are four players, draw five cards. 

Shuffle all the Potion cards and place them facedown beside the gameboard. Flip the first four cards and place them face up, creating the Potion Market. Create Supply Piles by placing all tokens in separate piles near the game board.

Create the Creature Piles by dividing the Creature cards by season. Each pile should be shuffled separately, and they should be placed faceup beside the gameboard. 

To setup players, each player must choose a character board and place it directly in front of them. Players will then collectively decide whether or not to use special powers on the character boards. If so, then the boards are flipped to the Character power side. If no, then the boards may stay in place. 

Each player then gathers four forage dice matching their character color, two white element dice, one energy berry, and one reference card. The last player to brew a cup of tea or coffee takes the first player marker and begins the game.


Each turn is made up of three steps. You must place one die from your dice pool. Placing dice in Forests allows you to gather ingredients for potions and to train varying creatures. Dice can also help you control Forests. Placing die in the village allows you to take special actions to either hurt or help your opponents.

When a die is placed, there are rules that must be followed. A Forage die can be placed on any space with a matching Forage symbol. Once there is a die on a space, no other die may be placed there. Element dice may be placed on a space with any Forage symbol, or it can be placed on a Village space with the matching Element symbol. The top two spaces on the Village board allow for numerous dice of any sort to be placed there.

When a die is placed on an ingredient space, you may take one matching token from the supply and add it to your stock. When a die is played on a Creature space, you may choose to train a creature. Choose one of the four Creatures that are faceup and place them next to your Character board on the trained side. 

When a die is placed on a Village space, the special action is completed. When a Village space has an element symbol, only die with that element may be placed there, and only one may be placed each round. 

Secondly, you may brew a potion. Each turn, you may only brew one potion, either before or after placing your dice. Choose a potion from the market or a reserved potion and pay the ingredient cost. All tokens paid in are returned to the supply. Add this potion to your hand, and subsequently add another potion from the deck into the market to replace the one you brewed.

Energy berries may be used to replace rare ingredients. Any number of them may be used as any ingredient when brewing potions. To reserve a potion, as some Village spaces allow, reveal the top Potion in the deck. Choose to use that one or one from the market. Once you have chosen, place the potion faceup near your Character board to reserve it, and now only you may brew this potion.   우리카지노

Thirdly, a player may drink one potion from their hand. Once a potion has been used, tuck it behind your character board, as they still earn full VP points at the end of the game.

Once all players have ran out of dice, the round is over. Players claim all forests they have control over, use creatures that have end round powers, and check the forest deck. If the forest deck is empty, the game is over. In order for a player to claim a forest, they must have more Forage dice in the forest than anyone else, and they must have more Forage dice in the forest than the total number of element dice there.

All players recollect their dice. The village board is then flipped the opposite way and new forest cards are revealed. The first player marker is passed clockwise around the group. This gameplay continues for four rounds.


The game ends after four rounds have been played. Each player will then add their points, and the player with the most Victory Points wins the game!

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